
Switching to Residential Solar Panels in Australia – What Are the Benefits?

Switching to Residential Solar Panels in Australia – What Are the Benefits?

Last updated on October 5, 2023

Have you have been thinking of going solar and making the switch to residential solar panels for your home?

Excellent choice! Not only are you helping protect the environment by reducing your carbon footprint, but you’ll also be saving money on your energy bills from day one.

The Australian government currently offers generous solar rebates and incentives to make the transition to solar even more affordable and worthwhile for homeowners.

According to recent surveys, over 2 million Australian households have already gone solar, taking advantage of programs like the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme to slash their utility costs.


Solar Power Made Affordable: Government Rebates, Zero Upfront Fees. Embrace a brighter future with solar power.

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    If you haven’t considered solar for your home yet, you’re missing out on significant savings.

    Read on to learn how affordable and accessible solar has become, even if you have little technical know-how. The benefits of solar are huge, and now is the perfect time to make the switch.

    The Financial Benefits of Installing Solar Panels in Australia

    As soon as you make the switch to residential solar panels in Australia, you’ll start reaping the financial benefits.

    First, you’ll save big on electricity bills. According to Energy Rating, the average Aussie household can save $200 to $600 per quarter after installing a 5kW solar system.

    The more you use, the more you save. Over the lifetime of a solar system, households can save tens of thousands of dollars in energy costs.

    You’ll also get money back through the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).

    For every megawatt-hour of renewable electricity generated, you receive Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) which you can sell to energy retailers for cash. At current STC prices, a standard system could earn you over $3,000.

    Several states and territories offer their own solar rebates and incentives on top of the federal SRES rebate. Depending on where you live, you may be eligible for up to $10,000 in rebates when you go solar.

    In addition, once your system is installed, your home will instantly increase in value. On average, a home with solar panels sells for about 5% more than a similar home without panels.

    When it’s time to sell, you’ll recoup much of the initial investment in your solar system.

    Federal and State Solar Rebates and Incentives in Australia

    If you live in Australia, switching to residential solar panels can help you save considerably on utility bills. Even better, the Australian government offers generous solar rebates and incentives to make going solar affordable.

    The federal government’s Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) offers upfront rebates on solar panels and solar hot water systems.

    As of 2021, the rebate is worth up to $1,800 for solar panel systems. Many states also offer their own solar rebates, like the Solar Victoria Program which provides up to $1,888 back.

    The government also runs the Solar Loan Program which provides low-interest loans to help homeowners finance their solar installation with no upfront costs. Loans are repaid over time through the energy bill savings from your new solar system.

    Some power companies offer additional solar feed-in tariffs, which means they’ll pay you for any excess solar energy you export to the grid. Rates vary but can be as high as $0.66 per kWh. Over the lifetime of a system, feed-in tariffs can add up to thousands in extra savings.

    By combining federal rebates, state incentives, low-interest loans, and feed-in tariffs, you can slash the cost of going solar by 50% or more.

    And once your system is installed, you’ll enjoy lower energy bills for decades to come. For environmentally conscious homeowners, residential solar is a win-win.

    Environmental Benefits of Going Solar for Your Home

    Going solar for your home has many environmental benefits. By harnessing the sun’s energy, you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint and doing your part to fight climate change.

    Lower Carbon Emissions

    The average Australian home produces around 6 tons of carbon dioxide each year from electricity usage alone. By switching to solar, you can cut those emissions by up to 4 tons per year for a typical household.

    That’s equivalent to not driving your car for 6 months! Every kilowatt of electricity generated by your solar panels means less coal and gas burned at power stations.

    Renewable Energy Independence

    With your own solar power system, you’ll gain energy independence from the main grid. The sun’s rays are free and unlimited, so you’ll have a constant source of renewable energy for your home.

    Any excess solar power you generate can be exported to the grid for others to use.

    Cost Savings

    While solar systems have considerable upfront costs, government rebates and incentives can help make the switch more affordable. Feed-in tariffs allow you to earn money by exporting excess solar power to the grid.

    And once your system is paid off, the electricity it generates is virtually free. Most solar households in Australia can save $1000 or more per year on their electricity bills.

    How to Choose the Right Solar Panel System for Your Home

    Choosing the right solar system for your home is an important decision. There are several factors to consider in order to find one that will suit your needs and budget.

    Size Of Your System

    The size of your solar panel system, measured in kilowatts (kW), depends on your average energy usage and available roof space.

    For a typical Australian home, a 3kW to 8kW system should cover most of your needs. The larger your system, the more energy it will produce, but the higher the upfront cost.

    Make sure your roof has enough space for the panels and consider getting a smaller system now that you can expand in the future.

    Type Of Panels

    The two most common types of solar panels are crystalline silicon panels and thin-film panels. Crystalline silicon panels are the most efficient and space-efficient but tend to cost more.

    Thin-film panels are cheaper but require more space to produce the same energy. For residential use, crystalline silicon panels are typically the better option.

    Additional Equipment

    In addition to the panels, you’ll need an inverter to convert the direct current (DC) power from the panels to alternating current (AC) for use in your home.

    You may also want a battery system to store excess energy for use when your panels aren’t producing power. Batteries allow you to maximize your solar savings but at a higher upfront cost.


    Solar Solutions at Zero Cost: Government Rebated Installations! Invest in Sunshine with No Upfront Costs.

      Anything else you would like to ask us regarding our services and offers? Please feel free to get in touch and our friendly staff will assist you.

      6.6kW Solar PV System SUPPLY & INSTALLATION

      From $4,899*


      There you have it, switching to residential solar panels in Australia can provide so many benefits, both financial and environmental. With generous government rebates and incentive schemes, it’s more affordable than ever.

      You’ll gain energy independence, lower your power bills, and do your part in Australia’s transition to renewable energy. The sun is shining, the technology is there – all you need to do is just make the switch, so go solar and start soaking in the sun.

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      E-Green Electrical

      E-Green Electrical is a top tier energy efficiency company based in Sydney. We focus on utilising government rebates to help reduce our clients energy consumption by installing energy efficient solutions. E-Green boasts a rich heritage within the realm of energy efficiency, consistently staying up to date with cutting-edge technologies to deliver optimal results for our valued customers.

      We don't just sell products and services; we also provides tips and information on how to help reduce energy consumption. We believe in using energy wisely and teaching others how to do the same. For E-Green, it’s important to share knowledge with the community. That's why we regularly write articles about saving energy, new government rebates available and increasing sustainability.

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